Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2014-04-20 Senate Journal

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2014-04-20                     Senate Journal                      Page 2678
HCR 22                                                                                                                        
Senator Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent to take up                                                                    
CS FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 22(RES).                                                                                 
Without objection, the resolution was before the Senate on final                                                                
The question being: "Shall CS FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT                                                                              
RESOLUTION NO. 22(RES) Urging the governor, the commissioner                                                                    
of natural resources, and the attorney general to seek resolution of                                                            
TAPS quality bank disputes before January 1, 2015, in a manner that                                                             
will provide long-term quality bank stability and reduce the cost of                                                            
quality bank adjustments paid by in-state refiners of Alaska North                                                              
Slope crude oil, pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the                                                                  
following result:                                                                                                               
CSHCR 22(RES)                                                                                                                   
Final Passage                                                                                                                   
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               

2014-04-20                     Senate Journal                      Page 2679
Yeas:  Bishop, Coghill, Dunleavy, Dyson, Egan, Ellis, Fairclough,                                                               
French, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, McGuire, Meyer,                                                              
Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Wielechowski                                                                                 
and so, CS FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION                                                                                      
NO. 22(RES) passed the Senate, was signed by the President and                                                                  
Secretary and returned to the House.